
Custom Web

Quality Designer

Mike Pritchard

Quick, Reliable Quality

Mike Pritchard is an international web designer with a passion for clean and efficient design.

Effective Design

Over 17 years experience in presenting compelling website content.

Web Designer

Mike Pritchard
Quick, Reliable Quality
  • Who's FlyingYour Site?Who Flies Your Site?

    Who's Flying
    Your Site?
    Who Flies
    Your Site?

    An airplane doesn’t stay in the air by itself. Neither will your website. Oh sure, you can coast for awhile, but that landing will be painful.
    A great website takes a great pilot, you wouldn’t let your 14 year old nephew fly you to Hawaii would you? For a successful venture you need a professional.
    An airplane doesn’t stay in the air by itself. Neither will your website. Read More
  • ConstructionPlanningPlanningYour Site

    Your Site

    So, most people don’t like planning, it’s not as fun as building. But it is 8 times more important. All construction projects require professional planning.

    If you are going to do your website right, you need a professional (with a great hat) to guide you in the planning process.
    If you are going to do your website right, you need a professional (with a great hat) to guide you in the planning process.If you are going to do your website right, you need a plan. Read More
  • Bandwidth
and Balance

    and Balance

    You want your website to load as fast as possible. But like a balancing act, you must consider the necessity of good design, functionality & speed.
    It takes years of experience to learn to get the best balance between function and speed.
    Don’t try this at home.
    You want your website to load as fast as possible. But it's a balancing act, between design, functionality & speed.Balancing function and speed? Don’t try this at home.. Read More
  • The Mechanics of PerfectionMaintenance Perfection

    The Mechanics of PerfectionMaintenance Perfection

    Maintenance of your website can be easy, simple and fast, or it can require the services of an expert. Usually it is more cost effective to hire a professional.
    If the nuts and bolts of your website are coming loose, or if rust is beginning to show, it might be time to call a professional.
    If the nuts and bolts of your website are coming loose, or if rust is beginning to show, it might be time to call a professional.Rust showing on your website? Call a professional. Read More
  • Underthe Hood

    the Hood

    Yes your website looks good from the outside.
    But how well does it actually perform?
    Need a few more miles per gallon?

    How well your website performs is the most important factor. You want it to look good, but more importantly, it needs to be effective.
    Yes your website looks good, but how well does it actually perform? Read More
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Is Your Website Mobile Ready?

Currently 60% of internet use comes from non-desktop computers, in two years it will be 70% so you want to be sure your site will look good on all devices. That is easier said than done.

I would highly encourage you to get a website that works on cell phones and tablets.

Check my portfolio for examples of my "Responsive", mobile-friendly designs, and my Joomla work. I offer free consultations, you can find info on my pricing here and a little about ranking well on Google here.

You can read a little about my experience here and yelp reviews here.

I specialize in quick, reliable, quality maintenance and design, contact any of my clients for references and give me a call today to get started on your website.

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Thursday, February 13, 2025

About Michael

Michael Pritchard is the owner of Pritchard Webpages and Pritchard Websites. He is a web designer with a passion for clean and efficient and over 19 years experience in presenting compelling website content.

or phone: (951)970-6172

3 Steps to a Great Website: