What Makes Great Business Websites?
Step Three -
First: easy to update.
Second: visitor friendly.
Third: clean, clear and uncluttered...
Features of a great website, if you have the resources:
- An easy to maintain website, one that someone in your office can update, one that does not require special skills to update
- Websites for businesses need to be welcoming for potential customers.
- A "Virtual Tour" to show those thinking of coming to your business what to expect or to show off your products.
- People need to be able to find your business, so you need a google map on the front page with driving directions.
- Clean, uncluttered and attractive layout.
- An easy to find search tool.
- A simple and logical menu system.
- An integrated email system.
- An integrated blog.
- Pictures of your office and/or products.
- Facebook/Twitter account integrated with your website announcing events and services
- An email newsletter and integrated signup form.
Most of these things can be done using free, online resources. The only limitation to implementing these features on your website is your ability to maintain them.
For example, it makes no sense to put a calendar or blog or a facebook on your website if no one updates them. An email newsletter won't do you any good if no one writes it.
That is why I firmly believe in not implementing lots of changes at once. Train your staff in one change (per department) at a time.
I am available for consultation on implementing your web presence in an orderly time frame. Mike@PritchardWebpages.com