Bandwidth & Balance
So, how do you find the exactly correct balance? Consider your options:
- know the "weight" of your website,
- understand the delivery dimensions,
- and know your target audience.
Currently, on average, 50% of all appliances accessing the internet are non-desktop computers. That means you need to be sure your website looks good on mobile devices. For some websites that is more important than others, if you are trying to reach younger people or reach people as they are shopping or on the go, it is incredibly important now.This means that your website needs to load well on mobile devices, but it also needs to load quickly, studies show you have about 4 seconds before you run the risk of losing your mobile viewer. In addition studies show that people on mobile devices won't refer non-mobile friendly websites to their friends.
On the other hand you want most of your content to be available to mobile viewers, and you want a website that is styled nicely, one that correctly represents your company.
Yes, it really is an issue of balance. Finding just the right balance takes skill and knowledge.
Contact today for assistance in getting your message across correctly.